On Sunday we attended two other Christmas parties. In the morning we went to Pastor Ron's church Protaung, 25Km south of Baray, where Alvin was preaching. Many of the children and some of the adults prayed to accept Jesus following his sermon, pretty amazing huh?! Although he's not quite sure why he always looks confused when he gives his sermons because he did prepare quite thoroughly for them....
In the afternoon we attended a party at Pastor Savan's church - Chatalauk, which is a little closer to home, just 4-5Km down the road. Alvin didn't have to preach, but we did do a short sketch about how to get to heaven. It was fun as the youth at this church had practiced a number of other skits and songs, so it was quite an entertaining afternoon.
We've got another two more parties to go on Thursday. In the morning we're going to Pastor Seng's church Chroneing about 18Km down the road, Alvin will be preaching again so please pray for him. Somrong and Tuol Dam Nak are having parties in the afternoon, we'll see how we feel and then decide where to go.