08 September 2008

Leaving with a bang...

Wow what a weekend to experience before we leave! It'll be one that will stay in our memories for a long time I'm sure. Some memories made this weekend:

1. watching with pride as Mervin & Jun Yi danced their first dance.
2. seeing all the laughing and smiling faces of the congregation during our commissioning - especially when Alvin said "no!"
3. seeing so many of our loved ones feasting on satay in the back garden and taking pictures with them.
3. being prayed for and then building a human pyramid.

And now we're packing. We really do just have so much STUFF. Friends - please try to live simply, declutter your lifes!! We're trying to be wise with what we're bringing, taking what is essential. This seems to have been a little easier for me than for Alvin who wants to bring just about everything, for those "just in case" situations.

Ok, so just to give you guys the low down on what's going to happen over the next week. We're leaving tonight at 10pm on a flight bound for Kuala Lumpar. We'll be there for 5 nights, and whilst we're there we will be visiting Pastor Ong's home church Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC), this is the church which set up Cambodia Methodist Services (CMS).

We will be attending Super Saturday Children/Youth Church in the afternoon and then the evening service. Super Saturday sounds like it'll be a lot of fun, really crazy and loud. Alvin thinks it'll be like his uncle's church in Tawau, East Malaysia where all the kids scream at the top of their lungs during worship. We're really looking forward to attending and connecting with all the Sunday School and Youth pastors and seeing how they do things out there. Then on Sunday we will be going to the church's mission centre and meeting some more people.

So there you are, our timetable for the coming week. We'll wave to you all from the plane when we lift off!

blog ya later.
Alvin & Chu

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