On Wednesday Alvin and I were invited to attend the wedding of an aunty of one of the youths. Luckily for us we had the foresight when packing to bring something smart, so Alvin had shirt and trousers and I had a dress. But the youth forbade us from wearing western style clothing, insisting that we dressed in traditional Cambodian attire. So Alvin borrowed one of Pastor Kea's shirts, and I borrowed a dress from Phallim, a girl who works at CMS. I went to a beauty salon in town and got my hair and make up done to Cambodian standard. I apologise in advance to all those who may be scarred for life because of the photos below. Don't look if you have a weak disposition. Anyway, this was the result...
It's not exactly au natural is it? I have never had so much make up on in my entire life, and wiping it off was a mission. I was least keen on the eyebrows, but it's what they consider to be beautiful. I did quite like the fake eyelashes though, even if they were a pain to peel off. It's funny because I thought I looked absolutely ridiculous, like something out of a bad 80's horror movie or rock video, yet everybody was starring at me smiling, saying to each other how beautiful I looked. Three of the girls from Somrong youth group basically just stood there staring at me and sighing "sa-aat" which is "beautiful". Very strange and totally twisted. It was also commented that we looked like film stars, so here's us pretending to be film stars.
What have they done to you!!??
I can't recognise you... it freaked me out.
I much preferred your own make-up.
Missing and thinking of you often.
'What a Hoot!'
Hahahah!You gotta mix right in with the locals hey? I wonder what they think of Western fashion then?
Missing you guys, have a wonderful Christmas, what a special one it will be! =)
Well, well! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes eh?
I don't think I even wore half as much make-up than you in my dancing days. Mum and dad could not stop laughing when Jen showed them. They also said that you looked quite slim.
Thanks for the text btw. Didn't have steam boat this year =(
Have a great Christmas, email be back!!
Ah Yan
Chu, you look AMAZING!
You look like the Romanovian woman Fran Stalinofskivitchdavitovichsky in Dodgeball!
Erm, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you actually look quite glam... but yeah, ditch the eyebrows!!! Jess
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