10 September 2008

First stop - Kuala Lumpur

We have arrived safely in KL. The flight was alright, a bit of turbulence, but we both managed to get a good 6hrs sleep at least. Although my back is playing up now due to 12.5hrs of sitting. Hopefully a good nights rest on a flat bed will do the trick and my back will be all better again.

We're currently staying with an old family friend in KL. They picked us up from the airport and we pretty much went straight to dinner. Oh how we have missed Malaysian food! Here's us with our very tasty fish, frogs legs, chicken, tofu and veg...mmm yum!

After we returned home aunty brought out a tub of durian segments. Alvin procedded to gobble up quite a few in a very short space of time. And to my surprise I also managed to eat a whole segment myself, and even holding it in with my own fingers. The king of fruits and I have had our differences in the past, but it seems we have now come to an understanding, and I quite like the creaminess! I'm sure a lot of you will be very surprised to hear that I liked it. Mum - this one's for you!!


db said...

can't believe you guys love durian!!
i tried it once in singapore - never again...

wien said...

Yummy! It's good to know that you guys are settling in already!

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Haha mum's glad that shes got someone to eat durian with now! But please spare the rest of us and eat it ouside the house XD